Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My First Mother's Day

We celebrated my very first Mother's Day this past weekend, and it was wonderful! We got to spend the entire weekend as a family, which doesn't happen a lot these days. We had Saturday brunch at Over Easy in Mountain Brook, did a little furniture shopping, and then went to a beautiful wedding reception for my friend, Carly, Saturday night! We went to worship services on Sunday and ate lunch at this somewhat new meat and three restaurant in Homewood called Johnny's with several of our closest friends and family. The weekend could not have been any better!

I am blessed beyond measure to have such a wonderfully caring mother and also to be the mother of a beautiful, sweet, and healthy little boy. God is good, and I am thankful.


  1. I used to think he was Jonathan made all over but I definetly see his momma also!!! He is beautiful.

  2. Haha! He is still a mini-Jonathan, but we do make a lot of the same facial expressions! Thank you!
