Saturday, July 9, 2011

We All Have to Start Somewhere

I am hoping this will stick, but I guess we'll see. 

I have been inspired by one of my new favorite blogs, SkinnyRunner, to keep a log of my workouts.  If you have any interest in running and have trouble getting and staying motivated, this is the blog for you - hers, not mine.  I'm obsessed with it!   

I hope that by doing this, I will increase my accountability and also my ability as a runner.  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to run twenty miles all at once like she does, but we all have to start somewhere!  So here goes...

Workout:  Ran outside 3.39 miles, 35:57, 325 cal.

Today's run was really hard!  Not only did it feel like it was about 1,000 degrees outside, but it also felt like there was not a breath of air to be found.  It would probably be a good idea from now on to run either early in the morning or later in the evening.  I think I'll get more miles that way and maybe also avoid a really embarrassing collapse onto the pavement.  One o'clock in the afternoon in mid July is a little more than I can handle at this point.  I have to admit - I stopped to walk three times.  My only pick-me-up was when  I heard Rihanna and T.I.'s "Live Your Life" over the earbuds, and I was able to pick up the pace a bit.

Also, for the first time today, I uploaded my workout to Garmin Connect.  With this program you are able to see a map of your route, your timing, and your elevation for each workout.  It keeps track of your distance, pace, time, and calories burned. 

It also has a calender feature, which allows you to keep track of your miles run per day, per week, and per month!

On another note, I thought a few of you would think this was funny.  This hand soap and lotion set has been sitting here next to our kitchen sink for over a month now.  It's my "fancy" Caldrea soap from Target, and I have yet to use it.  It was definitely an impulse buy.  I remember being so excited just to be in a Target that I felt I had to buy something fun and unnecessary, and this was it.  In my mind, I am saving it for a special occasion, I guess. Which is funny, because if that's the case,  it won't get used until graduation next May!


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog - it's so cute! I love your running posts. I too love Skinny Runner...she was what convinced me to buy the Garmin - best purchase ever! Good luck with your training!
