Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Funday

Workout - Ran outside 5 miles, 55:59, 500 cal.

I got up and ran before church this morning.  I know - I can't believe it either.  It was a much more pleasant experience today than it was yesterday.  Today, I didn't feel like I was going to pass out until around mile 4, and yesterday it was around mile 1.  And I didn't stop this time!  I think I started out at a slower pace today, which helped A LOT.

I stopped by Target and Wal-Mart after church today only to realize that we are quickly approaching one of my most favorite times of the year . . .


I kept having to say over and over to myself:
"You don't need new pens."
"You don't need a new binder."
"You don't need an accordion file folder.  What would you use that for anyway?"

These are the things that went through my mind.  But it didn't stop me from looking!

I used to love getting the supply list for the new school year and going shopping with my mom.  If only I could justify buying a new backpack, lunchbox, and pencil pouch for work :)



1 comment:

  1. I think you and Sarabeth must have been separated at birth. SB would have found a way to justify purchasing those things for work. Now that I think about it, that's probably why she became a teacher.
