Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Two Months!

Dear Jack,

You were two months old this past Saturday!

Your second month has brought with it a lot of heart-warming moments for Mommy and Daddy.  You are really starting to show your personality more.  You are cooing and smiling, which of course just melts our hearts, and you are also making eye-contact with us more often.  

You are really starting to find your voice.  You have these "conversations" with Daddy.  You talk to Mommy, but not quite like you do to Daddy - I guess y'all are discussing boy things.  You and I have our moments too though.  Some of my favorites are when you are looking at me and I'm looking back at you and you smile or coo at me - I truly can't imagine anything sweeter.

You are still in size 1 diapers and 0-3 months size clothes.  You are getting to be a chunky little thing though - you have rolls on your little thighs that make Mommy swoon!  I did put you in a 3-6 month size outfit recently, and it wasn't that big on you.  I'm not quite sure how much you weigh at this point, but we'll find out at your next appointment, which is coming up soon.

You are still sleeping in the bassinet in our room.  I figured I wouldn't try putting you in your crib until you start sleeping through the night more regularly.  You are still waking up about once a night to nurse, and you go right back to sleep like a champ.  You are still eating about every three hours during the day, although you do go for longer stretches every now and then. 

We have noticed you noticing your hands, which is very cute, and you have also started to suck on your little fist.  

You are still a VERY even-tempered baby, which we are so thankful for.  You are all smiles mostly unless you have gas and even then you don't fuss that much.  I think most people that are around you are amazed at how quiet and content you actually are.


 You are stealing our hearts each and every day, Jack!  Mommy and Daddy love you very much!      




  1. He is soooooo cute! Could eat him up!

  2. Ok, #1, he is so very adorable. #2, you did a great job with the photos! I love this little man, and his mommy and daddy, so much!! Happy 2 months, Jack.

  3. Thank you, Haley! We think so too :) we live too, Laura Lu!
