Dear Jack,
You are three months old today!
The time is just flying by, and we feel that you get cuter every day!
You are still filling our days with smiles and coos, which is the only thing that works to combat the winter-blues we've had around here! This past month, you laughed out loud for the first time, which was just precious, and I know it made Daddy's heart melt, since he was the one who got you laughing. You make eye-contact with us all the time now. We can just look at you and smile without saying a word, and you will smile right back at us. So sweet.
We had your two month check up not too long ago, and you are just growing, growing, growing! You weighed 13 lbs. 5 oz., putting you in the 97th percentile for your age. You recently moved up to size 2 diapers, but are still wearing your 3 month size clothes, although they are a bit snug :) Your little legs are looking pretty chubby these days, which we love.
You are really responding to different kinds of toys and things around you now. Mommy tries to do different things with you every day, whether it be reading, playing with toys, or watching a Baby Einstein video. You love anything that lights up or plays music, and you love your Baby Einstein videos. You just kick your legs and wave your arms - it's the funniest thing. We've noticed that you do love watching TV, even if it isn't something "child" related. You sat there so still the other day and watched Sherlock Holmes with Daddy. I think you are going to love movies just like him. And you also love our ceiling fan :)
You are still waking up once in the night to nurse, usually around 3 or 4am. I think you are spacing your feedings out a little more during the day, although it still feels like we are nursing around the clock, which is ok :)
Mommy has noticed that you are starting to get into a bit of a routine. You usually wake Mommy up around 8 or 8:30 am. We get up and start our day, and you are usually ready for a nap anywhere from 9:30 to 11 am. You'll nap for around 30 minutes, and then you'll be ready to get up and do something else. We'll play and hang out for the rest of the day, and then you'll be ready for another nap around 3 or 4:00. This nap tends to be a little bit longer and has lasted as long as two hours before, which was a total shock to Mommy! You are starting to get a little fussy when you get tired - it took us a while to figure this out. We started putting you in your crib for naps instead of on the couch, so you can become more familiar with it.
We had your two month check up not too long ago, and you are just growing, growing, growing! You weighed 13 lbs. 5 oz., putting you in the 97th percentile for your age. You recently moved up to size 2 diapers, but are still wearing your 3 month size clothes, although they are a bit snug :) Your little legs are looking pretty chubby these days, which we love.
You are really responding to different kinds of toys and things around you now. Mommy tries to do different things with you every day, whether it be reading, playing with toys, or watching a Baby Einstein video. You love anything that lights up or plays music, and you love your Baby Einstein videos. You just kick your legs and wave your arms - it's the funniest thing. We've noticed that you do love watching TV, even if it isn't something "child" related. You sat there so still the other day and watched Sherlock Holmes with Daddy. I think you are going to love movies just like him. And you also love our ceiling fan :)
You are still waking up once in the night to nurse, usually around 3 or 4am. I think you are spacing your feedings out a little more during the day, although it still feels like we are nursing around the clock, which is ok :)
Mommy has noticed that you are starting to get into a bit of a routine. You usually wake Mommy up around 8 or 8:30 am. We get up and start our day, and you are usually ready for a nap anywhere from 9:30 to 11 am. You'll nap for around 30 minutes, and then you'll be ready to get up and do something else. We'll play and hang out for the rest of the day, and then you'll be ready for another nap around 3 or 4:00. This nap tends to be a little bit longer and has lasted as long as two hours before, which was a total shock to Mommy! You are starting to get a little fussy when you get tired - it took us a while to figure this out. We started putting you in your crib for naps instead of on the couch, so you can become more familiar with it.
We love you, Jack Little!